Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ba Da Da Da DAAA!

I have a small problem. For some reason I think that if I keep staying up late and doing things at night, time stops and tomorrow won't come because I don't want it to. Not just tomorrow, but every day that I have to work. Because, you see, if I don't go to sleep then I won't have to get up and get ready to go. I am working at MickyD's and I freakin HATE!!!, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE the stupid outfit I have to wear. HATE IT! I need a xanax just typing about it. Seriously, my heart rate goes up and I start to hyperventilate. (huge sigh) I never thought I would be excited to wear a manager outfit from McDonald's, but I can't wait! To give you an idea of what I am up against; I was getting dressed the other day and Ben goes "Are those your ski pants?", and on a different day Blake said, "Woah, those pants make you legs look all poofy." I don't even want to start on the visor. Kill me.

1 comment:

Kim said...

That's so sad. I feel your pain.