Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Heart Halloween!

Every year I like to add a few things to my Halloween decor. I love it.

An "I'm Melting" figure, and "Crushed Bone of Bat"

A jar of "Poison" that Blake checks the levels of every day to see if it has gone down. He must think I am trying to poison him.

Skulls in Blood
The best decoration I have ever bought. My Broom! I love it. We have started a tradition of going to Gardner Village for Halloween and all I wanted this year was to find a broom, and I did. Yay!
This year after we carved pumpkins I left them in the house for a couple days so we could light them and enjoy them. They turned out way cute.

!st Halloween Party of the Season!

Ben and I went to a Halloween party last Saturday at Patti and Kelley's house. Ben was Batman and I was Wonder Woman. Ben said it was the first time he had had a wedgie in years. Ha ha! We had lots of fun!

Me, Trish and a Spartan Cheerleader.

Ben and Kelley were the same thing. (total coincedense)

Patti was Catwoman.
In Blake's class they earn money for doing good things or doing well on their work. The other day they had store and Blake bought me this:
"to keep all my little jewels in". I love it. On his way home he fell skateboarding and it broke, but I glued it back together and convinced him that you can't even tell. I think it's perfect!
What a sweetie!