Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Giggity, Giggity

I have 2 new addictions. Cafe World and Family Guy. I play Cafe World while watching Family Guy. I figure it saves time. I dream about my Cafe rating. I have had friends come to my house and get my food off the stove when I have been gone. Blake, Griff, and I all have a Cafe, and you would not BELIEVE the time it takes to manage 3 successful cafes. Some of my friends have cafes and Brittni and Jordon also have one. The first 10 minutes of conversations are made up of Cafe World chatter. I just now laughed out loud at Stewie........"not much really, just me and my pubes....haaaaaaaangin out." I love that baby! Summer,........i need you!

1 comment:

Princess and the Five Beasts said...

Totally understand about Cafe World. We all have them and schedule our lives around our Cafe, after all, that is what is important in life isn't it?